Bring a kick of rebelliousness to your foods with Aubrey D. Rebel Spice Rubs. A gourmet blend of ground spices, dried herbs and peppers that add flavour and heat to meats.

They can be used to form a crusty layer that locks in juices when applied more liberally than seasonings. This style is useful when using dry heat methods like baking, grilling or roasting, where almost no water is used in the cooking. Apply to meat before the cooking process.

They can also be used to enhance or add flavour to a dish. They are most beneficial when moisture is present in the recipe (like water, broth or sauce) in order to bring out the flavours of the individual components of the blend. They are usually added at the beginning of the cooking process, but can be added at the end as well.

What ever way you enjoy them… be a Rebel!